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Flowers of Salt
for Pierrot Ensemble (fl, cl, pno, perc, vln, vc)
Duration: 9'30"
Winner of the 2015 Boston New Music Initiative call for scores
Winner of the 2015 Innovox Ensemble call for scores
Winner of the 2015 Ensemble 212 call for scores
Program Note:
Recently, engineers at Harvard University sprouted “nanogardens” by manipulating the environment surrounding a salt and silicon solution. This process produced magnificent microscopic flower-like structures on the surface of a penny. For me, images of the delicate sculptures evoked organic and fragile music with much filigree. In an effort to capture this imagery, I began the piece with a single three-note chord, which acted as the kernel that produced many motives later in the piece. From this starting point, I attempted (image courtesy of Wim Noorduin) to construct a form that would take time to crystallize, in that when the conditions were just right, musical motives would burgeon forth from all directions.
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